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Lifetime Access helps you stay on track for life!
Trusted and Raved about by 100s of people...
Dude..I can’t believe it.
Benjamin on Feb 05, 2020

Today marks 6 months; this is the longest span of time I’ve gone without drinking since I was 18 years old, I’m 42 now. I mean holy crap… I feel like I dodged a bullet, was born again, and given a second chance at life… and I’m not even religious! I don’t understand exactly how the fit recovery program worked, but it worked for me, and I can’t be happier. I don’t even take the supplements anymore. It’s so strange, yet incredibly amazing and life changing.

73 years old and proud as heck
Mary Lou on Nov 25, 2019

When I started this program with Chris, I wanted to go COLD TURKEY. But there were days that I had a very hard time and anxiety off the wall. I started using all the supplements he recommended, I found everything calming down. I did meditation, walked, exercised, and read so many books on calming and meditation.

Here I am 245 days later, have not had one drop of alcohol.

So grateful for T.A.R. 2.0
Claire on Oct 14, 2019

Just wanted to say how grateful I am for your program. I have been 100% sober for almost two months using your program and it has been relatively easy. Almost no cravings and if I have them the supplements give me enough time for plan B so drinking doesn’t happen. I am so happy right now I almost skipped thru Costco.

2 months alcohol-free
Mike on Sep 28, 2019

So the good news, no the great news is that today I am celebrating 60 days of complete sobriety. I wake up pretty much knowing how I am going to feel, which is good. My anxiety is down from 9.5 to 0, again good. I’m motivated and my thoughts are positive. My spirituality is so much better. What’s not to like. Thanks, I have appreciated the program. The information on supplements was key, I have never made it two months.

Stay the course for life with Total Alcohol Recovery 2.0...
Order now and reserve your spot for life!
  • Wealth of resources for working your way up the Hierarchy towards Transcendence.
  • Community of likeminded and positive individuals who freely offer support.
  • Continual course improvements from creator Chris Scott.
  • Strategies for avoiding relapse, rewiring your brain, and feeling truly liberated from alcohol.
  • Hours of informative and inspirational videos that will keep you on track for good.

Chris constantly improves this course, so the price only goes up! Don’t miss out on this invaluable resource.

Act Fast: Grab this one-time exclusive offer before time runs out. This offer is not available elsewhere on the site.