Boost Your Recovery With Magnesium Taurate

boost your recovery with magnesium taurateMagnesium is essential for so many functions that it’s impossible to list them. To make a long story short, you need this mineral in order to feel both energized and relaxed. The telltale sign of magnesium deficiency is jitteriness and a lack of energy.

A quick Google search reveals why this is the case:

magnesium importance

Because our soil is mineral depleted, less than 30% of normal adults consume the recommended amount of magnesium. Even worse, research shows that if you’ve abused alcohol for more than a few weeks, your magnesium levels are probably super low.

Stress and alcohol literally suck the magnesium out of your blood!

Magnesium deficiency is a long term health issue that requires more than a few sporadic treatments to fix. It’s involved in more chemical reactions in your body than you can count, and it takes time to restore proper levels.

I’ve written numerous times on this site about taking epsom baths after hard workouts. I didn’t totally understand what magnesium had to do with it. I was simply doing something that seemed relaxing.

Epsom baths are relaxing because your skin absorbs magnesium more efficiently than your stomach does. The most common magnesium pill is magnesium oxide, which can be found in your local CVS or pharmacy. These pills are basically laxatives, since they don’t absorb and they just end up collecting water in your gut until it all gets flushed out.

I usually shop at Publix, and the only available pill form of magnesium was the oxide version. I didn’t purchase it, since I knew it’s not ideal for restoring magnesium levels.

After some in-depth research, I came across Magnesium Taurate on Amazon and decided to give it a try. The bottle looked plain and kind of scary – Cardiovascular Research could have used a marketing consultant, but the company clearly did a great job with the product. By combining magnesium with taurine, the formula is more stable and easily absorbed than other forms of magnesium.

While I do not have heart issues – magnesium is often used as a natural remedy for heart palpitations – my results were quick and pleasantly noticeable.

magnesium taurate

Within 20 minutes of taking the first pill, I felt calmer and more motivated. Going to the gym and training clients seemed effortless. The most pronounced effect was that I did not feel jittery, which I often do because of my disgusting overconsumption of coffee (I’m trying to cut down).

While I don’t intend to totally give up coffee anytime soon, it turns out that it reduces the amount of magnesium your small intestine can absorb.

A week ago, I began taking one pill in the morning upon waking up and another at night before bed. I’m sleeping more soundly and I feel a steady energy throughout the day.

My energy levels are good for a number of reasons – I work out 6 days per week, eat well, and try to get enough sleep. But in retrospect, I see that I was missing a crucial element in this mix.

Before discovering magnesium taurate, I could not fit enough epsom baths into my schedule to optimize my energy levels and feel relaxed without meditating excessively.

Your energy levels are everything. Whether you’re aware of it or not, people around you are sensitive to your the energy that you project. I used to drink to provide myself with fake energy – because I needed to avoid the pain and lethargy of withdrawals.

I would flash fake smiles at people at work the next morning, and then get absolutely nothing done. I was fooling no one. Actions speak louder than words.

Learning to conserve (and increase) your energy levels naturally is perhaps the greatest skill in life.

I highly recommend magnesium taurate by Cardiovascular Research. Give it a try and feel free to comment or write to let me know what you think.


  • A decade+ addiction-free, Chris Scott, the visionary founder of Fit Recovery, passionately guides Fit Recovery 2.0 Members toward a vibrant, healthier lifestyle. Through the integration of groundbreaking nutritional strategies, transformative reframing techniques, neurolinguistic programming, and dynamic pro-recovery habit systems, he inspires individuals to boldly take charge of their lives and break free from alcohol. Chris is celebrated as a Professional Member of the Alliance For Addiction Solutions. Moreover, he is the proud author of the bestselling book "Drinking Sucks!" which stands as a vital beacon of hope for those yearning to quit drinking. Additionally, he created the celebrated online program Fit Recovery 2.0, designed to provide unwavering support for individuals embarking on their recovery journey.

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[…] enzymes are functioning effectively. Issues with enzymes can also contribute to liver disease and might be associated with other digestive health problems such as Crohn’s […]

7 years ago

hi Im terry quit alcohol and pot same time 2 weeks ago because palpatations started. Im now suffering from higher blood pressure, big anxiety, palpatations, jitters, loss of sleep, sweats and I think maybe just now had my first kindling or maybe even dts while trying to go to sleep. My heart is jumping around. I ended up in hospital after 1 week with no insurance. That was last week. Geesh this sucks. Im seeing my dr in 2 days. What do you think I should ask for? Im 59 and drank and smoked daily for years but last year… Read more »

Chris Scott
7 years ago
Reply to  terry

Hi Terry, congratulations on making some VERY difficult decisions. It’s definitely good that you will consult with your doctor. He or she can prescribe medications that help with withdrawal. Beyond that, the supplements that I discuss on this site have helped many people feel better after quitting drinking. Best of luck to you!

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