Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help? What NOT to Say and Do!

If you’re looking for a proven and comprehensive strategy to convince an alcoholic to get help, you’ve just found one that can significantly help you achieve this outcome.

Thus, relax and take a deep breath…

Because what I’m about to share with you is going to revolutionize the way you view this topic.

Plus, you’ll be provided with proven, high-efficacy action steps including:

  • What to say
  • What NOT to say
  • What to do
  • What NOT to do
  • and many other tips for effectively and efficiently helping your loved-one 

Best of all…

You’ll learn how to be in these interactions without coming across as threatening, condescending, nosey, annoying, rude, unloving, demanding, uncompassionate, etc.). 

Ultimate Guide for Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help

Furthermore, after reading this entire Ultimate Guide for Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help, you’ll have a powerful blueprint that can potentially help you 10x your ability to succeed at convincing your loved one to turn their life around. Because whether they know it or not, your loved one needs your help.

Yet, depending on your behaviors, actions, and communication (what you think, say, and do) you could easily say or do the wrong things and not only fail in convincing them to get help but worse still… your efforts could backfire.  

These waters are tricky to navigate and that’s why you need a qualified and capable guide to help you traverse them in the safest and fastest way possible. I know how fragile this situation can be and thus my goal is to assist you to feel totally supported, guided, educated, empowered, and inspired, with a step-by-step action plan to organize and ignite your efforts! 

Are you ready to learn how to convince an alcoholic to get help?  

If so… fasten your seatbelt and get ready to have all of your important and timely questions and concerns addressed and answered in this free and comprehensive Ultimate Guide for Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help

Is Your Loved One an Alcoholic?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), “Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. It encompasses the conditions that some people refer to as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, alcohol addiction, and the colloquial term, alcoholism.” 

According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5), to have a diagnosis of AUD an individual needs to meet 2 criteria out of the list below for mild AUD, 4-5 criteria for moderate AUD, and at least 6 of the criteria for severe AUD diagnosis. 

DSM-5 Criteria for an Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnosis: 

  • Consumed more alcohol or spent more time drinking than intended. 
  • Want to limit or halt alcohol use, but haven’t succeeded. 
  • Spends an inordinate duration drinking, being ill and undergoing the aftereffects of alcohol use. 
  • Consuming alcohol or becoming ill because of it has kept the person from properly attending to household duties and children, or resulted in difficulties performing on the job or at school. 
  • Continued drinking in spite of it causing problems with family and loved ones. 
  • Discontinue or are only sporadically involved with things that were once enjoyable or important to be able to drink. 
  • Have repeatedly been in situations during the consumption of alcohol that have increased the chance of being injured (using machinery, driving). 
  • Even though a person feels sad or distressed, or it affects an already existing health problem, the person continues to drink. Or after episodes of forgetting or going blank about the events during drinking, the individual continues to use alcohol. 
  • Have to increase drinking to get the results he wants. (The usual amount of alcohol provides little results). 
  • When alcohol wears off, causing symptoms like such as insomnia, difficulty staying asleep, aggravation, nervousness, sadness, stomach upset and nausea and/or perspiring. 

Now you’ve reviewed the definition of AUD as well as the DSM-5 criteria for mild, moderate, and severe AUD diagnoses. If it’s your first time learning about this, you have more clarity about where your loved one could potentially reside within the spectrum of AUD. 

While it’s helpful information for you to know… it’s often counterproductive to tell your loved one “Hey, I just diagnosed you as having severe alcohol use disorder. Time to get help now!” Leave the medical diagnoses to the professionals.

Of course, each person and situation are very unique, so telling your loved one about these criteria and where you think they are on the spectrum might help, but it could also make things worse. 

If you decide to tell your loved one about your amateur diagnosis of them, you can lessen the chances of it backfiring by telling them in a calm, relaxed state of being with unconditional love, compassion, non-judgment, and radical acceptance (more on these and healthy personal boundaries later). 

Importance of the Stages of Change when Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help

Even for people who aren’t in denial about their alcoholism, and who have intrinsic motivation to end their addiction, it can still be difficult to quit. But with the right information, strategic planning, and a customized, holistic treatment plan, the difficulty of this challenge decreases significantly. 

On the other side of the spectrum, what do you think the chances of quitting drinking and recovering are for an individual who doesn’t want to quit and either downplays or flat out denies their drinking problem? If you guessed slim to none, you’d be correct. 

There are few things in life more difficult than watching a loved one struggle with alcoholism. This hardship becomes exacerbated or lessened depending on the Stage of Change the person with AUD is presently in.

Convincing an alcoholic to get help in Stage 1 is impossible unless strong leverage is used (e.g., a wife threatens to divorce her husband with AUD and take him to court to get custody of their children). Even then, while strong leverage can influence an alcoholic to get sober in the short run, the sobriety may not be sustained over the long term. 

Here are the Stages of Change with corresponding quotes to encapsulate each unique stage: 

  • Pre-contemplation: “Are you kidding!? I don’t have any problems with alcohol… you don’t know what you’re talking about!” 
  • Contemplation: “I seriously think I might have a problem with drinking but I’m also not sure that I’m committed or ready to try quitting completely, but I’m doing some research and interested in learning more about this.” 
  • Determination: “I’m ready to stop drinking! I see that it’s causing more negative consequences than positive benefits in my life and I’m motivated to quit and am vetting my treatment options. In fact, I could use your help!” 
  • Action: “I just had a great conversation with my wife and our teenage daughters after telling them I enrolled in a 90-day alcohol treatment program that takes my insurance and resonates with me… and my intake is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.” 
  • Maintenance and Relapse: “I just celebrated my one-year sober birthday! I rarely have thoughts about drinking, although I have to be careful about where I go and who I spend time with to avoid a slip or relapse as I still feel vulnerable. But overall, I’m doing well and have a solid support system in place.” 
  • Termination: “It has been 5 years since I drank and I’ve grown and improved my body, mind, and spiritual health so much since those days. I not only don’t miss alcohol; I actually view it as a totally moot substance and have dozens of healthy and adaptive ways to feel good and alcohol has 100% lost all of its appeal and desirability for me.” 

If your loved one suffering from alcoholism is currently in the Pre-contemplation Stage of Change and you’ve already tried convincing them to get help, you may feel totally under-equipped to influence them.  

Common feeling states of people that are trying to encourage their loved one suffering from AUD to get help can range from frustration to anger, hopelessness to helplessness, confusion to chaos, and a host of other emotions and combinations of emotions. 

The Contemplation Stage is a much better stage for you to achieve success in getting your loved one to seek or accept help for alcoholism, however, these Stages of Change can and do fluctuate. For example, instead of progressing in a linear fashion from 1-6, they can go in reverse or even jump around sporadically.

However, please don’t worry because you’re going to learn the most effective things to think, say, and do — depending on where your loved one is currently at (typically Stage 1, 2, or 3 if they still need convincing or an intervention to get help). 

When it comes to knowing what to think, say, and do (and what NOT to think, say, and do) to convince an alcoholic to get help, we need to start with a basic understanding of how and why the term alcoholic is a health issue and not a moral issue, archetype, identity, or a permanent disease. 

How to Properly View an Alcoholic and Their Condition

Alcoholism is the end result of the process by which the substance called alcohol changes over time from a Resource to an Exhausted Resource. When a person first consumes alcohol, if they enjoy the way it makes them feel, a resource is added to their life.

With irregular, responsible, and non-problematic consumption of alcohol, this can be a lovely resource to have in life.  

However, some people are not able to continue this pattern of non-problematic drinking. With these individuals, eventually, their drinking behavior can produce a net deficit in their quality of life. This happens when the negative consequences of drinking start to outweigh the positive benefits of drinking.

If it gets to this stage, the substance called alcohol that was previously a Resource becomes an Exhausted Resource

When trying to convince, encourage, or influence an alcoholic to get help for their drinking, if they’re not yet at the stage where the negative consequences of alcohol outweigh the positive benefits it’s often much harder to convince them to quit.


Alcohol is still providing a net enhancement to their life… even despite the negative consequences (at least in their mind). 

Everything humans do or don’t do in life is to either avoid pain or to gain pleasure. It’s a survival mechanism that is factory-installed in the human brain. Thus, if the person you’re wanting to convince to get help for alcohol addiction still links more pleasure than pain to drinking, that’s a hard sell to convince them to get help.

If they subjectively associate an 8/10 level of pleasure with drinking and a 5/10 level of pain with drinking, you can see how this can easily prevent them from accepting your help. 

If a person with an alcohol addiction associates a 3/10 level of pleasure with drinking and a 10/10 level of pain with drinking, usually they won’t even need convincing to get help because the pain far outweighs the pleasure… and the unconscious aspect of the mind is always doing these mathematical quantifications to ensure that it keeps us alive, safe (moving away from pain) and towards pleasure (to feel positive physical, mental, and emotional states of beingness). 

Here are other common yet often unrecognized and unaddressed (and often invisible) obstacles preventing an alcoholic from seeking out or accepting help: 

  • Hyperbolic Discounting – A cognitive bias where you choose smaller, immediate rewards (instant gratification), rather than larger, later rewards (delayed gratification). 
  • Eroded Prefrontal Cortex – In even moderate to sometimes mild cases of AUD, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) can become largely eroded and disabled. This makes impulse control and behavior modification much harder and it’s like driving a car without brakes. 
  • Hijacked Midbrain – In severe to sometimes moderate cases of AUD, the midbrain can become hijacked in such a negative way that alcohol actually replaces food, water, and shelter from the base of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This is like driving a smart car with the GPS set on the liquor store the gas pedal is stuck in the 90 miles per position (or in some severe cases, >120 mph). 
  • Chronic Neurotransmission Dysfunction – AUD can lead to mild, moderate, or severe GABA Deficiency Syndrome, Dopamine Deficiency Syndrome, and other neurotransmitter deficits as well as glutamate excess and other imbalances and chronic dysfunctions. These disharmonies cause mild to severe negative mood states and make behavior regulation much harder while producing physical and psychological symptoms that vary according to the neurotransmitter imbalance (e.g., anxiety, depression, fatigue, anhedonia, insomnia, muscle tension, panic attacks, gastrointestinal distress, sugar cravings, alcohol cravings, and many others). 
  • FEARs (Conscious and/or Unconscious)1. Fear of Loss (the benefits they’ll lose by quitting drinking) 2. Fear of the Process (one or more parts of the process of quitting drinking seems too hard, painful, or frightening) 3. Fear of the Outcome (e.g., might think they’ll suffer a lot and then ultimately not be able to quit and think they’ll be a failure because of this). 

If you think this is a comprehensive list of the common barriers that prevent an alcoholic from either seeking or accepting help for their drinking, I assure you this is barely scratching the surface.

The quantity and severity of obstacles (both visible and invisible, conscious and unconscious) is often a much longer list than the one above. 

Furthermore, overcoming alcoholism can be quite challenging even when a person is intrinsically motivated and committed to quitting, accountable, supported, educated on the AUD diagnosis, and well-informed on mainstream alcohol treatment options.

This difficulty level can be significantly decreased using The Hierarchy & Phases of Alcohol Addiction Recovery Model, which is a holistic system that views and also treats AUD as a bio/psycho/social/environmental/spiritual disorder that can be healed and recovered from and eventually transcended.  

In the Hierarchy of Alcohol Recovery framework, Biochemical Restoration (healing the brain and body with natural therapies like supplementation, diet, exercise, etc.) is the foundation of treatment and the base upon which the psychological, social, environmental, and spiritual pillars are built on top of.

Mainstream drug and alcohol treatment programs fail to address the biochemical (aka biological, physical) aspect of addiction and its treatment).

This is the main reason why the success rates of mainstream recovery programs and self-help groups are quite low. 

To illustrate this further, consider the following quote by Dr. Charles Gant, which he wrote in End Your Addiction Now: The Proven Nutritional Supplement Program That Can Set You Free: 

“The recovery process is frequently described as the restoration body, mind and spirit. The problem is that many programs have ignored the ‘body’ component of recovery. Addictions are physical substances causing physical changes to a physical organ, the brain. So how do we conventionally treat them? With group therapy and spiritual counseling. Doesn’t make sense, does it?” 

To summarize how to view an alcoholic and their disposition, remember these 10 fundamentals: 

  • 1) AUD is a health disorder and not a moral failing. 
  • 2) The brain of an alcoholic often has a partially or largely disabled prefrontal cortex. This makes decision processes, impulse control, and behavior modulation much more difficult. 
  • 3) The midbrain is often partially or fully hijacked by alcohol, whereby in severe cases alcohol can become synonymous with survival itself. 
  • 4) Being an alcoholic is not their identity. It’s just a health condition. 
  • 5) Drinking is simply their current coping mechanism (or even survival skill). Until they find a better solution for getting the benefits alcohol provides to them, recovering can be much harder. 
  • 6) Depending on the current Stage of Change they’re in, convincing them to get help might be harder or easier to do. (Pre-contemplation is the hardest stage for you to convince them to get help in, Contemplation is the next hardest stage to convince them to get help). 
  • 7) AUD causes mild, moderate, or severe neurotransmitter imbalances and these can cause symptoms like anxiety, depression, insomnia, anger, fatigue, and many others until they’re rebalanced). 
  • 8) Alcoholics almost always have mild, moderate, or severe cases of hypoglycemia which often leads to cravings for alcohol, worse hangovers (and feeling the need to drink to nurse a hangover), mood swings, anxiety, depression, confusion, anger, hopelessness, panic attacks, and more). 
  • 9) Alcohol is a resource that can relieve anxiety and stress, boost mood and euphoria, numb painful emotions and trauma, enhance confidence and outlook, remedy boredom, dissolve the fear of the future, and much more depending on the person. Thus, until they find a better option for providing the benefits alcohol adds to their life (at least in their mind), AUD will often be harder to overcome. 
  • 10) Behavior is shaped by the brain’s default survival drives. Thus, all behavior is fueled by the drive to avoid as much pain as possible and gain pleasure, too. If a person with AUD associates significantly more pleasure than pain with their drinking behavior (whether consciously, unconsciously, or both) and if they’re still getting more positive benefits than negative consequences from drinking, alcohol is still a resource for them (at least in their mind) and they likely won’t have the intrinsic desire necessary to initiate and sustain recovery. 

This famous quote from Dr. Gabor Maté, author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, summarizes and condenses how to view a person suffering from addiction: 

“Not why the addiction but why the pain.” 

The person with alcohol use disorder drinks to cover up some form of pain or pains.  

The biochemical pain of chronically worsening, alcohol-induced deficiencies in nutrients, hormones, and neurotransmitters such as GABA or dopamine, resulting in stubborn alcohol cravings…  

The psychological pain of distress, worries, fears, traumas, stress about the bills and work and children, and enduring adverse experiences from childhood and/or the present day… 

The social pain of being viewed by friends, family, coworkers, and peers as defective for being sober due to the inability to regulate drinking behavior — or having difficulties or strains or estrangements with human relationships and particularly with the intimate partner, family, and close friends… 

The environmental strain of living within walking distance of a plethora of liquor stores, bars, grocery stores, and markets that sell or even serve ice-cold drinks on a hot summer day… 

The spiritual pain of not having a strong sense of purpose in life… 

The list goes on and on for many individuals that are drinking habitually even though it’s causing numerous significant negative consequences to their life and the lives of those closest to them. 

Alright, now that you’ve learned why your loved one is not a bad person but a person in pain with a compromised brain, you’ve successfully uploaded the fundamentals and thus have the first mental software program installed to effectively convince an alcoholic loved one to get help. 

Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help? What NOT to Say and Do

Before we cover what to say and do to encourage a loved one to get help for their drinking, it’s important to list and analyze what not to say and do. It’s helpful to do it in this order because what to say and do to influence a person to get sober is usually the opposite of what you should not say and do. 

Here are the most important things for you to NOT say and do when attempting to convince an alcoholic to get help: 

  • Do not be hostile, rude, abrasive, condescending, authoritative, demeaning, superior, aggressive, angry, irritable, harsh, rash, impatient, argumentative, accusatory, or the like. 
  • Do not assign yourself the role of victim and the alcoholic the role of victimizer. 
  • Do not point out their faults without first compassionately articulating how much you love them, respect them, care about them, and what you most love about them (give praise first). 
  • Do not condemn the personhood of the individual with an alcoholic drinking pattern. It’s important to not mistake behaviors regarding drinking and what they do under the influence of alcohol with their heart, soul, and essence. They are simply behaviors and people can only behave at their current level of brain functioning and consciousness (and alcohol diminishes both of these quite a lot). 
  • You do not have to accept or tolerate these destructive behaviors when they concern your life too, but don’t be harsh in your verbal appraisal of these behaviors when you try to convince the person with AUD to get help. 
  • Do not blame them for being addicted to alcohol. Researchers and experts in the field of addiction describe alcoholism as a complex brain disorder that has many potential risk factors and potentiators including genetics, family history, environment, childhood trauma, self-medicating mental health disorders, stress, and other variables (many of which a person has no control over). 
  • Do not enable. Doing things for someone with a drinking problem that they normally could and would do for themselves if sober only exacerbates the situation for both you and them. In the short run, it may seem like it helps but it usually derails your efforts in the long run (and convincing an alcoholic to get help and then stay sober is typically a long-run effort). 
  • Do not have rigid or porous personal boundaries. Either extreme on the spectrum of personal boundaries is not healthy.
  • Do not be codependent or counter-dependent. Codependency is the habit of gaining self-worth through pleasing others. The opposite of the spectrum, counter-dependency, is driven by fear of depending on and needing others in life. 
  • Do not be gullible or hyper-skeptical. People with AUD have at least mild brain dysfunction from the damage alcohol has created or exacerbated, and dysregulation in brain function results in dysfunctions in mood states, dysfunctions in thinking, and dysfunctions in behavior patterns. “Your brain is involved in everything you do. It is an organ of judgment, personality, character, and intelligence. It controls how you feel, think, act, and interact.” Dr. Daniel Amen 

This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are other ways to say and do things that can make convincing an alcoholic to get help more challenging. However, we’ve covered the fundamentals and have set you up with a good foundation to build upon. 

Moving along, we start to see just how different the things you should say and do are from the ones you want to avoid saying and doing. 

How to Convince an Alcoholic to Get Help? What TO Say and Do

Convincing a loved one to get peer support or professional help for AUD can range from easy to difficult and nearly impossible to totally impossible.  

Fortunately, you’re being trained in The Art & Science of Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help and thus will strengthen your ability to be compassionate, loving, understanding, and influential. 

Here are the most important things for you TO say and do when attempting to convince an alcoholic to get help: 

  • Do love them unconditionally, with no strings attached and no agenda. You don’t have to tolerate their behavior that is negatively impacting their life and yours, but you can separate their behaviors from their personhood, their beautiful heart, mind, and soul.  
  • Do adopt the wisdom from the proverb that says “Don’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” 
  • Do foster and cultivate self-compassion, compassion for others, and compassion for the person with alcohol use disorder.  
  • Do embody patience, calmness, healthy concern, creativity, self-confidence, and personal power.  
  • Do become a role model for how awesome life can be when you strive to become the best version of yourself. 
  • Do set up and maintain optimized sustainable personal boundaries. Having healthy, clear, defined, well-articulated and well-communicated personal boundaries is the process of fostering, developing, and consistently sustaining specific limits and rules within relationships. 
  • Do ask empowering questions. If the person with AUD is at the Pre-contemplation or Contemplation stage, ask them questions that are born from the language of change (and learn about Motivational Interviewing to enhance this skill). Motivational Interviewing is often recommended as an evidence-based approach to behavior modification that, when utilized effectively, can help to move an alcohol-addicted individual from Pre-contemplation or Contemplation stage to the Action stage. 
  • Do continue learning about the addicted brain, alcoholism, alcohol recovery, and the options currently available for alcohol use disorder treatment. 
  • Do practice non-attachment (and learn how it differs from detachment), acceptance, forgiveness of others, and self-forgiveness. Doing so will help you be more influential to a person with AUD. Additionally, it will help to significantly boost your own mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, and even physical health.

Most Prominent Dynamics of Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help

There are many factors contributing to the dynamics of convincing someone with AUD to seek or accept help for their condition.  

Here is a helpful list of 10 of the dynamics that carry the heaviest amount of weight: 

  1. The Stage of Change the person with a drinking problem is currently in => Stage 1 (Pre-contemplation) is the hardest stage to convince someone with AUD to get help, followed by Stage 2 (Contemplation). Additionally, what you think, say, and do (plus what you don’t think, don’t say, and don’t do) while the alcoholic is in the early stages of this change process. 
  2. Their Addiction Severity Index (ASI) score. 
  3. The overall state of brain dysfunction caused or exacerbated by drinking. 
  4. The presence of concomitant mental health disorders (especially disorders like PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder, etc.) 
  5. The amount of Recovery Capital the person with an alcohol addiction has
  6. The severity of their current stress in life and how they’re reacting or responding to it. 
  7. How much pain the individual associates to alcohol consumption. 
  8. How much pleasure the individual associates to alcohol consumption. 
  9. The quantity, quality, and overall potency of the intrinsic and extrinsic incentives that they subjectively perceive and assign value to (or oftentimes they don’t perceive a lot of incentives let alone assign a value to them). 
  10. The amount of admiration, love, and respect a person with alcohol use disorder has for the loved one encouraging them to get help (and how impressionable the individual with AUD is). 

As you can see, there are many variables that can make each person, situation, and relationship dynamic unique. Now that you’ve been educated from the Ultimate Guide for Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help, your foundation is set and you have actionable steps that have been tested and proven time and time again. 

Recommended Reading

Since convincing an alcoholic loved one to get help is such an important issue, I encourage you to check out some additional resources that will supplement and augment this free guide. There is a lot to learn! Accordingly, I’ve curated some of the books and podcast episodes that I believe will help you the most. 

 Recommended Books: 

Recommended Podcast Episodes: 

Final Tips on Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help

Remember… you only have control over what you think, say, and do. This is both limiting and empowering. It’s limiting because people, places, and things are outside of your control.

It’s empowering because when you harness the skill of intentionally optimizing your thoughts, words, and behaviors, you can create the life of dreams and also become much more influential.

Being influential is a great skill to have for convincing an alcoholic to get help, after all. 

To conclude this Ultimate Guide for Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help, here are some relevant quotes for you to meditate on: 

  • “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” –Napoleon Hill 
  • “Trust is the conduit for influence; it’s the medium through which ideas travel.” –Amy Cuddy
  • “To listen well is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well.” –John Marshall 
  • “We may not be responsible for another’s addiction or the life history that preceded it, but many painful situations could be avoided if we recognized that we are responsible for the way we ourselves enter into the interaction. And that, to put it most simply, means dealing with our own stuff.” –Dr. Gabor Maté 

Getting an Alcoholic into the Best Treatment for Their Needs and Preferences

After step one of convincing an alcoholic to get help, step two is the treatment for alcohol addiction. This can be done at rehab facilities (inpatient or outpatient), Alcoholics Anonymous, or other free self-help programs, from home, as well as by using other traditional and alternative treatment modalities either stand-alone or combined.

Most rehab facilities have low success rates due to their failure of addressing the biochemical pillar of alcohol recovery, however, many people have greatly benefited from mainstream treatment.

The Hierarchy of Alcohol Recovery approach used in Total Alcohol Recovery 2.0 addresses all pillars of alcohol detox and recovery, including Biochemical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual. This program is virtual, online, confidential, and only costs a fraction of rehab prices. Best of all, using the approach this online program is based on 8 out 10 people fully recover.

Finally, some Fit Recovery-approved alcohol treatment programs that incorporate biochemical optimization are Ken Starr MD Wellness Group, Springfield Wellness Center, and InnerBalance Health Center.

If you have any comments or questions, please post them in the comment box below. And thank you for reading this Ultimate Guide for Convincing an Alcoholic to Get Help.


  • Matt Finch

    Matt Finch worked as a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor at an outpatient treatment center before founding his own programs for opiate recovery and recovery coach training. Addiction-free from both alcohol and opioids for over 10 years, he has motivated thousands of people to transcend addiction through one-on-one coaching, online courses, and the Elevation Recovery Podcast, which he co-hosts with Chris Scott.

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Bob K
Bob K
2 months ago

Awesome article Matt. It’s not only great for an AUD sufferer to read, but helpful to send out to friends and loved ones so that they can get a better understanding of us as sufferers. Thanks.