Why AL-Kuhl (Alcohol) is Called “Spirit”

In this article, you’ll discover the primeval connection between alcohol and “spirit.” From its roots in ancient alchemy to its role in modern culture, alcohol presents a paradox.

A substance that offers transitory relief while often hiding deeper truths, the alcohol you’ve drank so many times has a clandestine past connected to:

  1. Alchemy
  2. Ancient mysticism

The relationship is so deep that learning about it can powerfully alter how you perceive reality.

What lies concealed in the term alcohol might reframe your view of the drug powerfully and permanently.

Read on to discover why alcohol is called “spirit”…

And why alcohol is, in fact, anti-spiritual, as consuming it is one of the fastest ways to lower human consciousness.

Mystical Roots of Alcohol – Why is it Called “Spirit”?

The term alcohol originates from the Arabic AL-Kuhl, initially used to describe a finely powdered substance made from antimony often applied to the eyes as coal.

This subtle essence was believed to purify vision physically and symbolically, enhancing one’s ability to see beyond exterior realities.

Over time, alcohol came to signify the essence derived through alchemical processes, specifically distillation.

Whether material or spiritual, this essence represented a refined state distilled from gross matter into a purified, potent form.

In alchemy, alcohol aligns with the Principle of Transformation, a core tenet of spiritual practices.

Just as physical substances undergo distillation to extract their essence, the soul undergoes a similar refinement process through spiritual practices.

However, when this essence is misapplied, such as in the overuse of alcohol, it serves as a deceptive substitute for genuine spiritual transformation, mimicking the transcendence it was meant to inspire.

The process of distillation central to creating alcohol mirrors spiritual alchemy.

In material terms, distillation separates the pure from the impure, yielding a concentrated product.

Mystically, this corresponds to the soul’s journey through the trials of existence, emerging purified and closer to the divine. 

However, alcohol itself becomes a paradoxical metaphor in this context.

While it is the product of a refined process, its consumption often leads to disconnection rather than union.

The spiritual essence that alchemy seeks to distill is one of:

  • Mental clarity
  • Higher consciousness
  • Divine connection

Alcohol as a physical substance simulates this experience by altering perception and consciousness.

Still, it remains a shadow of the inner transformation achieved through spiritual practices such as:

  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Self-discipline

Instead of uplifting the soul, alcohol often anchors it further into the material realm.

In mystical traditions, the soul is likened to a flame of light striving to connect with its divine source.

Alcohol, by its very nature, lowers the vibrational frequency of the body and mind, making it harder for the soul to resonate with higher spiritual realms.

This disconnection acts as a veil, obscuring the soul’s innate connection to the divine.

The altered states induced by alcohol create an illusion of liberation.

This fleeting sense of freedom is not true transcendence but a temporary escape from the weight of material existence, unlike meditative states, which elevate consciousness.

Alcohol’s effects dull the mind and tether the soul to a lower vibrational plane, limiting its ability to access spiritual insight and intuitive clarity.

Alcohol’s Effects on Your Pineal Gland

Alcohol inhibits the pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye” in mystical traditions, which is believed to facilitate spiritual insight and intuitive perception.

Regular consumption dulls this sensitivity, severing the individual from their inner guidance system and divine connection.

Spiritual practices aim to cultivate:

  • Awareness
  • Presence
  • Heightened sensitivity to subtle energies

Alcohol, however, numbs these faculties, creating a barrier to spiritual progress.

Over time, this loss of spiritual sensitivity can lead to:

  • Confusion
  • Stagnation
  • Disconnection from one’s higher purpose

The very awareness that seekers strive to enhance is diminished, leaving them caught in a cycle of Illusion and temporary gratification. 

Alcohol is also seen as a symbol of “samsara,” which is the cycle of suffering.

In Eastern spiritual traditions, samsara represents the end cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, characterized by:

  • Suffering
  • Attachment

Alcohol epitomizes this cycle in several ways.

Its consumption often arises from a desire to escape pain or seek pleasure, two driving forces that perpetuate attachment and suffering.

The effects of alcohol are inherently cyclical:

  1. Short-lived (transitory) euphoria
  2. Followed by a (rebound dysphoria) crash
  3. Creating a craving for repetition (thus, the cycle can continue)

This mirrors the broader pattern of samsara, where fleeting pleasures are used despite their inability to provide Lasting Fulfillment.

Just as the soul is trapped in the karmic cycle until it achieves liberation, the individual remains caught in a loop of indulgence and dissatisfaction perpetuated by alcohol.

At its core, the human desire for intoxication reflects an unconscious longing for transcendence.

The temporary relief and altered state provided by alcohol mimic the bliss and unity experienced in genuine spiritual connection.

This yearning is a distorted expression of the soul’s innate desire to return to its Divine Source. 

However, because alcohol is a material substance, it cannot fulfill this longing.

Instead, it acts as a counterfeit, providing momentary relief while deepening the soul’s disconnection from its true essence.

The Indulgence becomes a substitute for the inner work required to achieve lasting spiritual fulfillment, leading to:

  • Dependency
  • False sense of security

Spiritual awakening involves recognizing and redirecting this yearning toward practices that provide true transcendence.

By turning inward and embracing disciplines such as meditation, chanting, and devotion, the seeker can access the bliss they unconsciously seek through external substances.

This redirection transforms the cycle of addiction into a journey of liberation.

Alcohol, in its essence and origins, represents a profound spiritual paradox.

While its alchemical roots and symbolic nature tie it to concepts of refinement and transcendence, its misuse often leads to entrapment in lower vibrations.

The teachings of spiritual masters consistently emphasize awareness, clarity, and inner connection as the keys to liberation, qualities that alcohol destroys.

To transcend the cycle of desire and illusion that alcohol perpetuates, one must recognize the soul’s genuine longing for divine union.

This realization marks the beginning of a transformative journey, turning the unconscious craving for intoxication into a conscious pursuit of spiritual awakening. 

Mystical Accounts and Spiritual Warnings

Rumi on Alcohol’s Anti-spiritual Effects

Rumi, the great Sufi poet, and Mystic, often spoke of intoxication in his works, but his references were predominantly symbolic, pointing to the Divine Ecstasy of spiritual union.

In his writings, wine frequently symbolizes the love of the Divine, an elixir that elevates the soul into realms of boundless joy and connection.

He writes,

“Be drunk with love, for love is all that exists.”


Rumi contrasts this divine intoxication with the false refuge of physical intoxication.

He warns that while physical wine may provide a fleeting escape, it leads to spiritual numbness, clouding the clarity needed to perceive higher truths.

For Rumi, actual intoxication arises not from substances but from surrender to the Beloved God, which allows the soul to transcend worldly limitations.

In Rumi’s Sufi tradition, the metaphor of drunkenness often reflects the loss of ego and the embrace of divine unity.

Physical alcohol, however, is seen as a pale and dangerous imitation of this state, tempting the seeker with a counterfeit experience that ultimately leads to deeper entanglement in the material world.

Osho on Alcohol’s Anti-spiritual Effects

Osho, a modern spiritual teacher, emphasized the importance of awareness and living in the present moment.

For him, alcohol represents a significant barrier to mindfulness.

He explained that alcohol dulls the senses and distances individuals from the reality of their existence, creating a false sense of liberation.

He often remarked,

“Awareness is the key to transformation.”


Alcohol destroys awareness, making it impossible to see the truth of who you are.

Osho viewed alcohol as an anesthetic, a tool people use to numb themselves to the pain of life rather than confronting and transcending it.

He taught that true liberation comes from:

  • Turning inward
  • Embracing the discomfort of growth
  • Expanding awareness through practices like meditation

For Osho, mindfulness requires entire presence, and any substance that clouds the mind undermines the seeker’s ability to evolve spiritually.

Yogananda on Alcohol’s Anti-spiritual Effects

Paramahansa Yogananda, the revered yogic master and author of Autobiography of a Yogi, greatly emphasized self-discipline and cultivating spiritual clarity.

He warned that alcohol compromises the mind’s ability to concentrate and weakens the willpower necessary for spiritual practice.

Yogananda taught that the human mind is naturally restless, like a pond stirred by the wind. 

Alcohol exacerbates this restlessness, making it harder for the practitioner to steal the mind and access the deeper state of meditation required for divine communion.

He stated,

“Intoxicants destroy the harmony of body and mind. They veil the inner light that guides the soul toward liberation.”

—Paramahansa Yogananda

For Yogananda, enlightenment depends on mastering the senses and cultivating Inner strength.

Alcohol, by distorting perception and diminishing self-control, becomes a significant obstacle on this journey.

Ancient Warnings Against Alcohol in Esoteric Traditions

Ancient spiritual traditions often warned against the consumption of alcohol, viewing it as a hindrance to spiritual progress.

Buddhism on Alcohol

In Buddhism, abstaining from intoxicants is one of the Five Precepts, highlighting its importance for maintaining clarity and ethical living.

Hinduism on Alcohol

Similarly, Hindu scriptures such as the Manusmriti caution against alcohol, associating it with:

  • Loss of self-discipline
  • Moral degradation

Sufism on Alcohol

In Sufism, while wine metaphorically describes divine love and spiritual ecstasy, physical wine is explicitly discouraged.

It is seen as a distraction that pulls the seeker away from “Tahid,” unity with God.

The mystic Jalaludian Rumi often used wine imagery to represent the overwhelming love of the divine but emphasized that actual intoxication comes from spiritual practices, not substances.

Gnostic Christianity on Alcohol

In Gnostic Christianity, the wine of the world is used as a symbol of attachment to material pleasures and distractions.

Gnostic texts emphasize the importance of vigilance and purity, warning that the pleasures of the flesh,  including intoxication, divert the soul from its Divine Purpose.

The proper wine is the gnosis or spiritual knowledge that liberates the soul from the cycles of suffering.

Sacred Texts on Alcohol

Alcohol occupies a paradoxical place in sacred texts, symbolizing both Divine communion and worldly distraction. 

In the Bible, for instance, the wine is a central element of the Eucharist, representing the blood of Christ and the promise of eternal life.

However, excessive drinking is condemned, as in Proverbs 20:1.

“Wine is a mocker; strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.”

—Proverbs 20:1

This dual symbolism reflects alcohol’s capacity to either connect or disconnect the soul from its spiritual essence, depending on the context and intention behind its use.

Alchemical and Mystical Traditions on Alcohol

In alchemical and mystical traditions, wine often symbolizes the spiritual elixirs, a substance or state that elevates the soul.

This wine is not a physical drink but a metaphor for divine grace, intoxicating the soul with joy and insight.

The danger lies in mistaking physical wine for its spiritual counterpart, seeking Divine intoxication through material means.

Divine Intoxication or “Spiritual Inebriation”

Divine intoxication or spiritual inebriation refers to the overwhelming bliss and ecstasy experienced in states of Union with the Divine.

This state transcends ordinary consciousness, filling the soul with boundless:

  • Love
  • Joy
  • Wisdom

Mystics across traditions have described this experience as the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey.

For example, Rumi speaks of being drunk on the wine of love, where the soul loses itself in the infinite ocean of the Divine.

This intoxication is not a dulling of the senses but an awakening to the profound interconnectedness of all existence.

Physical intoxication through alcohol is a shadow of spiritual intoxication.

While the former numbs the senses and creates an artificial euphoria, the latter heightens awareness and leads to authentic joy.

True spiritual inebriation requires no external substances; it results from deep inner work and surrenders to the Divine.

Meditation and Devotional Practices for Achieving Spiritual Intoxication

Mystics have long guided achieving spiritual intoxication through practices such as meditation and devotional practices.

Meditation is a way to quiet the mind and access the Divine Presence.

Devotional practices like chanting, singing, or prayer that foster a sense of unity with the Divine and selfless service, such as acts of love and compassion, can be another way to help dissolve the ego and open the heart to Divine Grace.

The Persian poet Hafeez beautifully captures the essence of spiritual intoxication.

“I am a whole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through. Listen to this music.”


Here, Hafeez conveys the sense of being utterly surrendered to the Divine, allowing its Grace to flow freely through the soul.

Key Concepts and Acknowledgements

Now it’s time for you to discover the fundamental concepts from this piece, and meditating on these will be the perfect next step on your journey, my friend.

  1. The term alcohol originates from the Arabic AL-Kuhl, initially used to describe a finely powdered substance made from antimony often applied to the eyes as coal.
  2. Over time, alcohol came to signify the essence derived through alchemical processes, specifically distillation.
  3. The process of distillation central to creating alcohol mirrors spiritual alchemy.
  4. However, alcohol itself becomes a paradoxical metaphor in this context. While it is the product of a refined process, its consumption often leads to disconnection rather than union.
  5. Alcohol inhibits the pineal gland, known as the “third eye,” which is thought to enhance spiritual insight. Regular use dulls sensitivity, disconnecting individuals from their inner guidance and divine connection.
  6. In Eastern spiritual traditions, alcohol symbolizes “samsara,” the cycle of suffering. People often consume it to escape pain or seek pleasure, which perpetuates attachment and suffering without lasting fulfillment.
  7. Ancient spiritual traditions, mystics, and yogis often warned against the consumption of alcohol, viewing it as a hindrance to spiritual progress.
  8. The desire for intoxication reflects a longing for transcendence. Alcohol, as a material substance, cannot fulfill this desire; it merely offers momentary relief, deepening disconnection from the true essence.
  9. Divine intoxication or spiritual inebriation refers to the bliss and ecstasy experienced in Union with the Divine. This is not a dulling of the senses but an awakening to the interconnectedness of all existence.
  10. Mystics have long guided achieving spiritual intoxication through practices such as meditation and devotional practices.

You’ve made it to the end and are now officially an expert on why alcohol is called spirit and the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol. At this point, I want to acknowledge and thank Awakening Wisdom for being this piece’s inspiration and primary source.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them in the comment box below.

And take good care of yourself.


  • matt finch

    Matt Finch, the Fit Recovery Head Coach, embodies the power of transformation. With over 13 years of freedom from both alcohol and opioids, he has turned his personal journey into a beacon of hope for others. Previously a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor at an outpatient treatment center, he has dedicated his life to empowering individuals to break free from the chains of addiction. Through his innovative recovery coaching programs, he has joined forces with Chris Scott and Fit Recovery, inspiring thousands to overcome their struggles. By offering one-on-one recovery coaching, engaging group sessions, and dynamic online courses, along with his uplifting podcast, "The Matt Finch Show: Fit Recovery 2.0 Members-Only Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Podcast," he illuminates a path to a healthier, addiction-free lifestyle.

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