The Surprising Truth About Cross-Addiction
Cross-addiction occurs when an addicted or recovering person becomes addicted to something other than his or her “substance of choice.” How common is cross-addiction among
Cross-addiction occurs when an addicted or recovering person becomes addicted to something other than his or her “substance of choice.” How common is cross-addiction among
Here’s a list of things that seem to have nothing to do with each other: Lifting weights, spending a day out on the ocean, philosophical debate, spicy food,
The majority of articles on this site relate to transcending severe, life-threatening addictions. There are definitely worse problems to have than a penchant for soda
PAWS – “post acute withdrawal syndrome” – is a big reason that so many addicts fail to make it to the other side. It is characterized
Addiction “experts” will tell you that recovery requires a lot of sacrifice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sacrifice means giving up something of higher value
It’s amazing how quickly you can shift your mind onto a higher plane with a tiny dose of exercise. I did this workout this morning. I was not on the
There’s a huge disconnect between what most people do in the gym and what they think they’re doing, especially when counting reps. It’s very rare
Sometimes you just need to get high. On life, that is. Everyone knows that addiction is bad. But should we just accept that feeling euphoric
Going to rehab saved my life, but not because I learned anything new. And not because I was introduced to the Big Book or a
After spending years as a compulsive schedule addict, I admitted that I was powerless to follow my own schedule. My latest schedule was creating more problems than
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Disclaimer: This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on fitrecovery.com is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.
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